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  • Adding/Removing DataProviders
    •  Add a quickload data provider and confirm it is working as expected
      • Go to the Arabidopsis thaliana/A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome version
      • Navigate to the File->Preferences->Data Sources tab
      • Click the "Add..." button
      • Enter in a valid quickload url (e.g. - TODO find a better example since this site is designed to trigger a warning.abiotic)
      • Enter a name for this quickload site and click the "Submit" button
      • Observations:
        • The quickload site shows up in the "Available Data" tree
        • The data sets listed in the tree can be loaded 
      •  Confirm restarting IGB does not cause the newly added site to be forgotten
    •  Add a few "Secured" quickload sites and confirm they are working as expected
      •  Confirm you were not prompted for a password for any site more than a single time per session
      •  Confirm restarting IGB does not cause the newly added sites to be forgotten
      •  Confirm that if you checked the "Save Password" option you are not promted for your password again on restarting IGB
