Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Modified a step that checked the UCSC data provider (see REST APIs)

General Function Checklist


Default Data Providers

Select File -> Preferences -> Data Sources tab.

  • Default data providers (e.g., RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, DNA-Seq, etc.) appear in the


  • Data Sources table.

Image Added

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    • Observation:  The table lists several Quickload sites. (They may be different from those shown below.) If any are shown with a red background, that means that there is a problem with the site - IGB can't reach it. This is a bug and should be reported.

    Image Removed


    • None of the rows have a red or yellow background.
    •  mac
    •  linux
    •  windows

    Click on the (info) icon in the Information column for RNA-Seq.

    • A window opened with fields and values similar to the example below:

    Image Added

    •  mac
    •  linux
    •  windows


      • The data listed in the Value column are specific to the RNA-Seq data source.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Confirm that closing

      Close this information window and opening another shows correctly updated information

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows


      Confirm that the information window functions for each data source type , then click on the (info) icon for Genome in a Bottle.

      • The data listed in the Value column updated appropriately and are specific to the Genome in a Bottle data source.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Confirm the following species / genome versions are available 

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows



      Open the A_thaliana_


      Jun_2009 genome.

      • Several Quickloads are present in the Available Data section (they may be different from those shown below).


      Image Modified

        Homo Sapiens/
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Open the H_sapiens_Dec_


      2013 genome.

      • Several Quickloads are present in the Available Data section (they may be different from those shown below).


      Image Modified

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows
      • Important:


      • The Cytobands track is visible

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      •  Load a bed file, a bam file, a bedgraph file, and some sequence data to ensure basic file parsing from the data providers is working as expected. Important: Load these by selecting the checkboxes in the Data Access folder hierarchy, not from URLs displayed in a Web browser. To get examples of each file type, go the the Arabidopsis thaliana June 2009 genome.  Under RNA-Seq there are several folders labeled by experiment code and with a human-friendly name. Within those folders, there are folders labeled Reads, Graph, and Junctions. The Reads folder has bam files.  The Graph folder has bedgraph files.  The Junctions folder has bed files.  Select one file from each folder, zoom in to show only several thousand bases, and click Load Data button at the top right of the IGB window. Click the Load Sequence button to load sequence and zoom in to make sure you can see individual letter (A, C, T, G) under the coordinate axis. 


      1. Navigate to chr1:45,691,287-45,691,329
      2. Click Load Sequence
      • Individual base pairs (ACGT) are visible and colored consistently along the coordinates track.

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          •  mac
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          •  windows


      Bedgraph File

          •  mac
          •  linux
          •  windows


      Load Sequence

          •  mac
          •  linux
          •  windows


      Adding/Removing/Editing Data Providers

      1. Select File -> Preferences -> Data Sources tab.
      2. Click Add... 
        1. Name: myQuickload
        2. Type: Quickload
        3. URL:
      3. Click Submit.
      4. Close Preferences.
      • myQuickload is present in the Available Data section

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Adding/Removing/Editing DataProviders

      Add a quickload data provider and confirm it is working as expected

      • Go to the Arabidopsis thaliana/A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome version
      • Navigate to the File->Preferences->Data Sources tab
      • Click the "Add..." button
      • Enter in a valid quickload url (e.g.

      Enter a name for this quickload site and click the "Submit" buttonObservations:



      1. Close and re-open IGB.
      2. Select File -> Preferences -> Data Sources tab.
      • myQuickload is still present in the Data Sources table.

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Select myQuickload and click Edit...

      • The Edit Data Source window opened.

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Confirm restarting IGB does not cause the newly added site to be forgotten

      Click Choose local folder.

      • The user's file chooser opens correctly.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Ensure that the edit button in the Data Sources window opens a new window and allows a user to modify the data source URL or to choose a local folder. Note that default data sources cannot be modified. 

      Change the Name of myQuickload to myQuickloadv2, then click Save Changes.

      • The name of myQuickload correctly updated to myQuickloadv2 in both the Data Sources table and the Available Data section.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

       Ensure that data sources can be deleted using the Remove button in the Data Sources window

      1. Select myQuickloadv2.
      2. Click Remove...
      • The myQuickloadv2 data source was removed from both the Data Sources table and the Available Data section.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows


      Secured Data Providers

      Add a few "Secured" quickload sites and confirm they are working as expected


      Click Add... and add the following two Quickload sites:

      1. Name: secure1
      2. Type: Quickload
      3. URL:


              • guest/guest


            1. Click Submit. A prompt should appear asking for a username and password:
              1. Username: guest
              2. Password: guest
            2. Make sure Save Password is checked, then click OK.
          1. Name: secure2
          2. Type: Quickload
          3. URL:



                  • guest2/guest2
                1. Click Submit. A prompt should appear asking for a username and password: 
                  1. Username: guest2
                  2. Password: guest2
                2. Make sure Save Password is checked, then click OK.

              • The two secured Quickloads are added to the Data Sources table and are not highlighted yellow or red.

              Image Added

              •  mac
              •  linux
              •  windows

              Navigate to the Arabidopsis thaliana

              Close Preferences and open the A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome version.Confirm the

              • The two


              • secured Quickloads are listed in the


              • Available Data section. 

              Image Added

              •  mac
              •  linux
              •  windows

              1. Add the TAIR10 mRNA data from the secure1 Quickload.
              2. Add the TDNA insertion lines data from the secure2 Quickload.
              3. Go to Chr1:7,404,452-7,520,146
              4. Click Load Data.
              • Data loaded from both of the secured Quickloads.

              Image Added

              •  mac
              •  linux
              •  windows


                • You were not prompted for a password for


                • either of the secured Quickloads.
                •  mac
                •  linux
                •  windows

                Confirm restarting IGB does not cause the newly added sites to be forgotten

                Restart IGB and open the A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome.

                • The two secured Quickloads are still listed in the Available Data section.
                •  mac
                •  linux
                •  windows


                  • You were not prompted for your password again


                  • for either of the secured Quickloads upon restarting IGB.
                  •  mac
                  •  linux
                  •  windows