Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Modified a step that checked the UCSC data provider (see REST APIs)

General Function Checklist


Default Data Providers

Select File -> Preferences -> Data Sources tab.

  • Default data providers (e.g., RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, DNA-Seq, etc.) appear in the


  • Data Sources table.

Image Added

  •  mac
  •  linux
  •  windows
    • Observation:  The table lists several Quickload sites. (They may be different from those shown below.) If any are shown with a red background, that means that there is a problem with the site - IGB can't reach it. This is a bug and should be reported.

    Image Removed


    • None of the rows have a red or yellow background.
    •  mac
    •  linux
    •  windows

    Click on the (info) icon in the Information column for RNA-Seq.

    • A window opened with fields and values similar to the example below:

    Image Added

    •  mac
    •  linux
    •  windows


      • The data listed in the Value column are specific to the RNA-Seq data source.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Confirm that closing

      Close this information window and opening another shows correctly updated information

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows


      Confirm that the information window functions for each data source type , then click on the (info) icon for Genome in a Bottle.

      • The data listed in the Value column updated appropriately and are specific to the Genome in a Bottle data source.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Confirm the following species / genome versions are available 

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows



      Open the A_thaliana_Jun_


      2009 genome.

      • Several Quickloads are present in the Available Data section (they may be different from those shown below).


      Image Modified


      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Open the H_sapiens_Dec_


      2013 genome.

      • Several Quickloads are present in the Available Data section (they may be different from those shown below).


      Image Modified

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows
      • Important:


      • The Cytobands track is visible

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows


      1. Navigate to chr1:45,


      1. 691,


      1. 287-45,


      1. 691,329
      2. Click Load Sequence
      • Individual base pairs (ACGT) are visible and colored consistently along the coordinates track.

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows



      Add a quickload data provider and confirm it is working as expected


      Data Providers


      1. Select File -> Preferences -> Data Sources tab.
      2. Click Add... 
        1. Name: myQuickload
        2. Type: Quickload
        3. URL:

      Enter a name for this quickload site and click the "Submit" buttonObservations:


      1. Click Submit.
      2. Close Preferences.
      • myQuickload is present in the Available Data section

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      1. Close and re-open IGB.
      2. Select File -> Preferences -> Data Sources tab.
      • myQuickload is still present in the Data Sources table.

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Select myQuickload and click Edit...

      • The Edit Data Source window opened.

      Image Added

      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Confirm restarting IGB does not cause the newly added site to be forgotten

      Click Choose local folder.

      • The user's file chooser opens correctly.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

      Ensure that the edit button in the Data Sources window opens a new window and allows a user to modify the data source URL or to choose a local folder. Note that default data sources cannot be modified. 

      Change the Name of myQuickload to myQuickloadv2, then click Save Changes.

      • The name of myQuickload correctly updated to myQuickloadv2 in both the Data Sources table and the Available Data section.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows

       Ensure that data sources can be deleted using the Remove button in the Data Sources window

      1. Select myQuickloadv2.
      2. Click Remove...
      • The myQuickloadv2 data source was removed from both the Data Sources table and the Available Data section.
      •  mac
      •  linux
      •  windows


      Secured Data Providers

      Add a few "Secured" quickload sites and confirm they are working as expected


      Click Add... and add the following two Quickload sites:

      1. Name: secure1
      2. Type: Quickload
      3. URL:


              • guest/guest


            1. Click Submit. A prompt should appear asking for a username and password:
              1. Username: guest
              2. Password: guest
            2. Make sure Save Password is checked, then click OK.
          1. Name: secure2
          2. Type: Quickload
          3. URL:



                  • guest2/guest2
                1. Click Submit. A prompt should appear asking for a username and password: 
                  1. Username: guest2
                  2. Password: guest2
                2. Make sure Save Password is checked, then click OK.

              • The two secured Quickloads are added to the Data Sources table and are not highlighted yellow or red.

              Image Added

              •  mac
              •  linux
              •  windows

              Navigate to the Arabidopsis thaliana

              Close Preferences and open the A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome version.Confirm the

              • The two


              • secured Quickloads are listed in the


              • Available Data section. 

              Image Added

              •  mac
              •  linux
              •  windows

              1. Add the TAIR10 mRNA data from the secure1 Quickload.
              2. Add the TDNA insertion lines data from the secure2 Quickload.
              3. Go to Chr1:7,404,452-7,520,146
              4. Click Load Data.
              • Data loaded from both of the secured Quickloads.

              Image Added

              •  mac
              •  linux
              •  windows


                • You were not prompted for a password for


                • either of the secured Quickloads.
                •  mac
                •  linux
                •  windows

                Confirm restarting IGB does not cause the newly added sites to be forgotten

                Restart IGB and open the A_thaliana_Jun_2009 genome.

                • The two secured Quickloads are still listed in the Available Data section.
                •  mac
                •  linux
                •  windows


                  • You were not prompted for your password again


                  • for either of the secured Quickloads upon restarting IGB.
                  •  mac
                  •  linux
                  •  windows