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Advanced graph manipulations

Controls for the graph features below can be found in the Advanced section of the Graph Adjuster tab.

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Graph labeling 

You can modify the labels for graphs that are currently selected by checking checkbox options in the Advanced portion of the Graph Adjuster panel. 

  • Show or hide the Y Axis scale
  • Show or hide the identifying Label of the graph source (typically the same as the name of the graph file)

An example graph showing both options turned on is shown below:

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Floating graphs

An attached graph appears in its own track, like other annotation types.  A floating graph is drawn on top of other tracks with a transparent background.  Since a floating graph is not in a track, it has no track handle.  Instead, use the graph handle to select the graph, or to drag it to a new location.  The graph handle is the colored bar to the left-hand side of the graph.

Controls for floating or attaching a graph transforming and combining graphs can be found in the Advanced section of the Graph Adjuster tab.

To attach a graph into its own regular graph track:

  • Click the colored bar at the left side of the graph (the graph handle) to select it, then deselect the Floating checkbox.

To detach a graph from its track and let it float:



can set default preferences so that graphs load either initially floating or attached as a track.  See Setting graph preferences.  Image Added

Transforming to a non-linear scale
