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It is possible to join two or more graphs into a single annotation track.  The two (or more) graphs will then have a single track tier label and can be moved and adjusted as a group. To join multiple graphs, select them, then press the Join button in the Graph Adjuster panel.  To separate graphs that were earlier joined together in this waythese graphs, select them the joined track and press the Split button.

When the tier is in the expanded state, the multiple graphs are shown in separate non-overlapping bands:.


If the tier is collapsed, all graphs are shown in the same, overlapping band:

Image Removed

. When joined graphs are collapsed, any opaque regions of the top graph will hide corresponding features of the lower graph or graphs.

Image Added

Note: To switch between the expanded and collapsed state, right click in the joined track label, and choose between Expand and Collapse (see Changing the View).

Joining graphs into a single annotation track can be very useful for expression data from multiple experiments.  Here, data from several experiments at different times during the development of an organism are shown together in a single track, and it is easy to see that expression of genes is being regulated over time.
