General Function Checklist

Loading Default Tracks

  1. Open A_thaliana_Jun_2009.
  2. Navigate to: Chr1:415,078-418,010

Zoom in by click and dragging across the coordinates (Note that the screenshot is missing the mouse cursor).  The blue highlighted area represents the area created by dragging the cursor.

Adjust the zoom such that multiple gene models are in view

Double click on the barb wire region of a gene model.

  1. Zoom back out to view multiple gene models
  2. Right click on a different gene model.

Select Zoom to Selected.

  1. Zoom slightly out in both the X and Y direction.
  2. Select the Hand Grab tool.
  3. Click and drag anywhere in the track view.

Select the Selection Tool.

Go to a group of gene models that are stacked.

Click and drag across the gene models.

Open the H_Sapiens_Dec_2013 genome.

Type npas3 into the Quick search box (Quick search should NOT be case sensitive).

Press enter to navigate to the NPAS3 gene.

  1. With one of the tracks selected, set the Label Field to *none* in the Annotation tab at the bottom of IGB.
  2. Navigate to: chr14:71,900,723-72,598,235

  1. Navigate to the NPAS3 gene.
  2. Use the horizontal zoom slider to zoom into the NPAS3 gene as far as you can possibly zoom.
  3. Zoom out completely and then zoom in again.

Use the Current Genome tab on the right of IGB to navigate to chr7.

Check that the display can be panned using the following objects: