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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
Table of Contents


Select File > Preferences > Other Options to configure the following:

  • Coordinates track number format
  • Sequence base colors
  • ORF analyzer
  • Edge matching
  • Gene model translations
  • Track resizing
  • IGB exit and data set loading behaviors

Preferences Other options


These are options for changing number appearance. FULL shows the number with no thousands separators and the unit 'kb'. COMMA shows the numbers with commas at every 10^3 (U.S. style) and with no unit designations. This is the default. ABBREV will show the numbers as abbreviated as is reasonable, with unit designations. For example, when zoomed out, numbers appear as 10M, 20M etc. Changes made here to Number Format take effect immediately. 


Click a color swatch to change base colors.

ORF (Open Reading Frame) Analyzer

These preferences affect colors used to indicate stop codons, the ORFs and the background of the ORF tracks that are shown in the Sliced View tab.

Edge Match

Edge matching highlights features that have identical boundaries. Edge matching becomes active when you click items in the display.


The Codon Display is activated when the sequence of a gene model is loaded and the user zooms in close enough to see the sequence. The codon translation appears within the gene model. User can set the amino acids to appear in one letter format (default), three letter format or be hidden. The colors is based on the chosen foreground color for the track.


Codon display is active only for tracks loaded from 14-column BED detail files.

Track Resize Behavior

Track Resize Behavior is how IGB adjusts other tracks when a specific track height is changed. Adjust All Tracks means that as a single track is increased in height, all other tracks are reduced by a commensurate amount. Adjust Adjacent Tracks (default) means that all added or subtracted height is removed/added to the bordering track, leaving the rest of the display unaffected.


Data loading and exit behaviors


IGB warns you when you are about to exit the program and before you delete a file or files. Each of these warnings has the option to not be shown again. To turn off these warnings or reset your previous choice, check (or uncheck) these options.

Reset all preferences to defaults

Click Reset preferences to defaults to reset all the preferences to the IGB defaults. This is sometimes useful if you need to troubleshoot IGB. 
