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  1. The IGB Toolbar menu contains a menu option labeled Configure Web Links. This is the first hook.
  2. Selecting Configure Web Links opens the Web links configuration window. IGB includes several built-in linkout patterns in the top section. The middle section contains user-defined Custom Web Links.
  3. When users right-click an annotation, a context menu appears that contains menu items for each matching Web Link pattern. This is the second hook. Note that if only one Web Link pattern matches, it appears in the main menu, not in sub menus as shown below. 




Web links project and directory structure


Code Block
titleWeb Links pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

        <!--Start of logging dependencies-->
        <!--End of logging dependencies-->



Parent Tag

Code Block

The parent tag indicates that the POM for the IGB code base, defined using a relative path, is the parent for the Web Links POM. By inheriting from the parent POM, the Web Links module's POM can reference dependencies defined in the parent. Dependencies defined in the parent POM is POM are compatible with IGB version 8.6.0 and higher.


Code Block


We are using packaging type of "bundle" to take advantage of the plug-able architecture of Maven itself and the custom packaging type which is defined in the Apache Felix Maven Bundle Plugin.  Throughout the IGB project we use this maven plugin to generate all of the OSGi meta-data which makes the jar file into a module that can be managed in the IGB OSGi runtime.  


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Contains data models and utility methods used throughout the project. When the user right-clicks a item to select it, the Web Links module obtains a reference to the selected data model and uses it to create linkouts to external resources. These The genometry module defines these data models and their interfaces. 


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Build and plugins section


Note that this design facilitates moving IGB from using Swing to JavaFX, a newer GUI toolkit that is replacing Swing in Java applications. framework handles the work of creating 


This interface, defined in the IGB Services module, is designed to allow module developers to hook into the applications main toolbar. 

Code Block
public interface IgbMenuItemProvider {
    public String getParentMenuName();
    public JRPMenuItem getMenuItem();
    public int getMenuItemWeight();
