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  • The java standard for Plugins is OSGi (, this is what IGB (written in java) uses.
  • the OSGi term for a Plugin is Bundle, they mean the same thing.
  • an OSGi bundle is a jar file. It must have a MANIFEST.MF file with the OSGi headers (see below).
  • an OSGi bundle can (usually will) have a special java class called an Activator. This class must extend org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator, and implement the start() and stop() method. The activator class is specified in the Bundle-Activator bundle header (see below). These methods are called when the bundle is started and stopped.
  • There are several implementations of OSGi, including:
    1. Apache Felix (
    2. Eclipse Equinox (
    3. Knoplerfish (
  • the implementations are (for the most part) interchangeable and are free
  • the implementations allow the user to run OSGi from a command line tool or to start it within a program
  • IGB starts the felix implementation from with the com.affymetrix.igb.main.OSGiHandler class, but IGB can
    be run using the Felix command line tool by running ant gogo
  • there are several tutorials for OSGi, including:
    1. How to get Started with OSGi (
    2. Apache Felix OSGi Tutorial (
    3. OSGi for Beginners (
    4. OSGi with Eclipse Equinox - Tutorial (
  • Explain:
  • What is a bundle? Give an example.
  • What is OSGi and how does it work?
    • Explain what an Activator is.
  • Provide references to tutorials developers new to the concept of bundles can read to get familiar with the topic.
  • Explain the concept of extension point.
  • Explain the advantages of bundles, plug-ins. (Ann can write this part after talking more with Michael and Lance.)
