IGB bundles are OSGi compatible, so they must should have an Activator , a class that extends org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator, and they must have a manifestMANIFEST.mf MF file that is found in the META-INF directory. These are compiled and jarred with all required classes, jars, and resources. The resulting jar is the bundle. This can then be uploaded to the bundle repository. At that point, any one can use the bundle with IGB. IGB uses the Apache Felix OSGi implementation, but this could change, so no Felix specific code should be used. In the Activator class, there is a start() and stop() method that are called when the bundle is activated / deactivated (not installed / uninstalled). This is where you want to put all the code to start and stop the bundle.
In the manifestMANIFEST.mf MF file, there are several headers that need to be specified - fill in parenthesis below: