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under construction


IGB uses the GenoViz SDK to draw data on the screen, and the GenoViz SDK's modified model-view-controller architecture should make it easy to present many diverse views of data to users. However, this built-in flexibility has been hard to exploit because of complexities in TierGlyph classes that render and represent data tracks in IGB.

In this document, we'll describe some of problems users confront when interacting with data tracks and offer some ideas for how these interactions could improve.

The Rubber Canvas

IGB implements a one-dimensional variant of animated, semantic zooming, in which objects and the data field appear to stretch or contract about a central line during zooming and objects show more detail as users zoom in for a closer look.


Note: Adding a cross-hair to the Zoom Stripe may help users master this interaction more quickly. See figure below.

Vertical zooming

The vertical coordinate system in IGB does not have the same meaning as the horizontal coordinates system, which is closely wedded to the sequence data itself. This means that we have considerable freedom to augment vertical layout to convey more information and customize vertical zooming in ways that will help users help users explore data more effectively.

Multi-track stretch

Currently, operating the vertical zoomer stretches each track by equal amounts during zoom. As a result, all Glyphs in the display are close the same height regardless of the level of zoom. This is good behavior in that it makes it easy for the user to control the display. Once a user understands how zoom-focusing works, he can click a Glyph and then drag the vertical zoomer up or down to cause the data scene to expand or contract around that central location.

Single-track stretch

However, sometimes it would be useful to be able to stretch-zoom tracks independently of each other, i.e., increase the relative height of one track while compressing the remaining tracks by equal amounts.



Scheme for improving vertical zooming. Users will be able to stretch the canvas in two ways: all tracks together as they do now, or one track by itself.


Re-packing to fit available vertical space, but no more

more to come later

Ordered and sorted stacking

more to come later