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(Start and end position are used to zoom on the coordinates)

loadresidues :- Boolean value trigger residue loading between given start and end. e.g. loadresidues=false

Following properties are required one per feature


query_url :- URLs of features to be loaded.  e.g.

Optional properties (Required per track)

feature_url_0 :- Url of feature. e.g.

sym_method_0 :- Method name of track. (Usually it would be url of feature but it could be different too). e.g.

sym_yheight_0 :- Height of each glyph in a track.

sym_col_0 :- Foreground color of track in hexadecimal. e.g. sym_col_0=0x00FFFF

sym_bybg_0 :- Background color of track in hexadecimal. e.g. sym_bg_0=0x000000

sym_name_0 :-

view_mode_0 :

loadresidues=falsePreferred human name for the track. e.g sym_name_0=TAIR10+mRNA

(For multiple optional properties corresponding names would be sym_method_1, sym_yheight_1, sym_method_2, sym_yheight_2 etc.)