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To make IGB easier to use, we re-configured the user interface for several IGB tabs and panels including the Bookmarks tab, the Export File window, and the Web Links Tools interface. Each of these new designs makes it easier to find information and perform functions. Veteran IGB users will also notice that menus and pop-up windows use new, more intuitive names for functions, making the IGB interface more consistent. Finally, the new start screen gives quick and easy access to a variety of model organisms, helping new users jump right in! Image Added

Improved Bookmarks:


Along with a redesign to improve ease of use, the Export interface also received new options. Users can set image size, file type, and image resolution (DPI) for export. IGB now makes it even easier to create high-quality images of 300 dpi or better (the minimum required for images destined for publication in printed journals). Users can still select whether the want the main image, the main image with the track labels, or the entire window with panels (such as Selection Information) showing. As .png or .jpeg files, these images can readily be used for journal article, presentations or just sharing data with others. Image Added

 Autoload for features that use sequence data.


With IGB 6.7, we have introduced the ability to overlay multiple sequence Search results (up to 7 different searches). The basic Search Residue function hasn't changed; type in the sequence you are searching for and IGB returns a list of 'hits' and marks on the sequence bar the exact location(s) using a color segment.  With the new Overlay option activated, subsequent residue searches will be added to the list and highlight in new colors, all at the same time. This is a powerful tool for many purposes! It can be used for showing multiple PCR primers in their accurate positions, aligned in the area of interest; it can show up to 7 enhancer, inhibitor or other elements in a promoter region, all in their accurate relationship to one another; the list goes on! Image Added

This image shows the 3 primers needed for determining splice variant choice for the AT1G07940 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, all overlayed into the same image.

Expanded file types and increased save options:
