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Versions Compared


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Step 2: Choose your species and genome version

1. IGB allows you to access species and genomes version in two ways. You can scroll through common model species from the main screen (red box); click the picture to be taken to the most recent genome version. You can also select the Species and the Genome Version from the options (blue box) to access the whole species list as well as access any publicly available genome version (including older ones). If your genome of interest is not listed, leave it set to 'Unknown Species' and 'Unknown genome.'

2.A Depending on the genome, IGB will next load reference gene model annotations into the display; most model species

  • For most common model species, IGB will automatically load the


  • reference gene annotations. For instance, if you selected Homo sapiens from the picture link, IGB would load and display the refseq annotations for H. sapiens February 2009.


  • If the annotations do not automatically load


  • , you can select the annotations you are interested in from the Data Sources file tree. Open the server folders


  • to find the data sets you would like to load (red box) and put a check mark in the box. IGB will create a place-holder


  • track (orange box). Click either of the Load Data buttons (green arrows/boxes) to actually load the data into the view.

Step 3: Opening your own data files
