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With IGB 6.7, we have introduced the ability to overlay multiple sequence Search results (up to 7 different searches). The basic Search Residue function hasn't changed; type in the sequence you are searching for and IGB returns a list of 'hits' and adds colored bars to the sequence indicating the location of matches.  With the new Overlay option activated, subsequent residue searches will be added to the list and highlighted in new colors without removing previous search results. Use this new feature when you need to display multiple sequence features in the same view, such as forward and reverse primers for PCR primers, transcription factor binding sites, and so on. 

Thanks are due to Dr. Alyssa Gulledge for designing and testing this new feature.

This image shows the 3 primers needed for determining splice variant choice for the AT1G07940 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, all shown in the same view.
