Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To do this:

Do this:

Select a single annotation or feature.

Click on it.

Select an entire gene model instead of an exon.

Directly select a whole gene by clicking on the line connecting the exons or on the label (if active). If you mistakenly select an exon instead of a gene, right-click anywhere within the track to open choose a menu, and Select parent.

Add to the current selection

Shift-click to add individual items or shift and drag to add multiple items.

Select multiple annotations/ features.

Click and drag the mouse around selected items. A drag must begin in the empty area, not on top of any annotation or in the coordinates track.You can use shift-click or shift-drag to select additional items.
Note: IGB will preferentially select whole gene annotations, as opposed to individual exons when using the click-drag selection method. To select many individual exons, you will need to select them individually using shift + click on each on
Tip: IGB reports the number of selected items in the lower left corner. Use this to count aligned sequences in an alignments track.

Deselect 1 item from a group selection.

Shift+cntl and click on the item to be deselected, without deselecting the whole group.

Select a sequence region.

Drag along the axis of the coordinates track to select a set of genomic residues.  To select residues, the drag must begin in the axis tier.

Deselect everything.

Click the empty background space in the viewer window.

Select a single graph.

Click on its handle - the rectangle at the left inside the main view window


Select an entire annotation track.



Click on its track label in the left-hand panel.




Edge Matching

A very useful function in IGB for comparing splice variation, exon length, read location, etc. is Edge Matching. This function highlights ALL features that share the same start points, and/or the same endpoints. Simply select the item of interest, and IGB will highlight all matching edges (in all tracks within the Main View window) in white (by default). In IGB 6.6 we have introduced the ability to You can change the Edge MatchingMatch color to one of your choice, so that it is visible on all background colors, as described in Other Options tab.


There are many occasions that you will want to select multiple tracks, such as Join function for graphs or Combine Annotations Track Operations for annotation files. This works much as the selection of individual features: use shift + click to select multiple features (Note: order matters for Combinations and for certain graph transformations Graph Transformations and Track Operations).