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Select annotations, graphs and sequence regions in order to perform certain operations on them.  The following are ways to select items in the viewer window using a mouse.

To do this

Do this:

Select a single annotation

Click on it.

Select an entire gene model instead of an exon.

Directly select a whole gene by clicking on the line connecting the exons.If you mistakenly select an exon instead of a gene, right-click in the blank background or on a selected annotation and choose Select parent

Select a single graph.

Click on its handle: the rectangle at the left inside the main view window.

Select an entire annotation track.

Click on its track label in the left-hand panel. 

Select multiple annotations or graphs.

Drag the mouse through a region to select all enclosed items.  For graphs, the drag should include the graph handle.  A drag must begin in the empty area, not on top of any annotation or in the coordinates track.You can use shift-click or shift-drag to select additional items.

Select a sequence region.

Drag along the axis of the coordinates track to select a set of genomic residues.  To select residues, the drag must begin in the axis tier.

Deselect everything.

Click the empty background space in the viewer window.


Add to the current selection


Shift-click to add individual items or shift and drag to add multiple items.

Open a pop-up menu

Right-click (or control-click) on an item that is already selected or on the empty background.

Zooming to selected items

To center on and fill the viewer with the selected object: Either double-click an item or Right- or control-click t and choose Zoom to Selected.