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Table of Contents

Genomes and Chromosomes

chromosome: In IGB, chromosome refers to any single sequence. Typically this corresponds to the sequence of a physical chromosome. Alternatively, it may represent an assembled contig corresponding to part of a physical chromsome. All chromosomes in IGB are assumed to be DNA, rather than RNA sequences. No two chromosomes within the same genome version can have the same name.


Tracks are rows of data that appear in the IGB interface. When you open a file, the data within the file will appear in one or more tracks. Older versions of IGB refered to tracks as "tiers" and so you may see this term used elsewhere in the User's guide.

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Annotations indicate the known or suspected locations of genomic features such as genes, exons, promoter regions, pseudogenes, and so forth. Annotations may consist of a single coordinate, a single span with a start and end positions, or a collection of spans. Most annotations reside on either the plus or minus strand of a chromosome, but some do not.
