Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To do this:

Do this:

Select a single annotation.

Click on it.

Select an entire gene model instead of an exon.

Directly select a whole gene by clicking on the line connecting the exons. If you mistakenly select an exon instead of a gene, right-click in the blank background or on a selected annotation and choose Select parent.

Select a single graph.

Click on its handle - the rectangle at the left inside the main view window.

Select an entire annotation track.

Click on its track label in the left-hand panel. 

Select multiple annotations or graphs.

Drag the mouse through a region to select all enclosed items.  For graphs, the drag should include the graph handle.  A drag must begin in the empty area, not on top of any annotation or in the coordinates track.You can use shift-click or shift-drag to select additional items. Tip: IGB reports the number of selected items in the lower left corner. Use this to count aligned sequences in an alignments track.

Select a sequence region.

Drag along the axis of the coordinates track to select a set of genomic residues.  To select residues, the drag must begin in the axis tier.

Deselect everything.

Click the empty background space in the viewer window.

Add to the current selection

Shift-click to add individual items or shift and drag to add multiple items.

Open a pop-up menu


Highlighting matching endpoints

To see if different data sources show the same start and endpoints for an annotation:

  • Select an item.

Matching , select it; all matching edges of the corresponding items in all tracks being viewed will be highlighted

  • By default, the highlight color is white, which works well on a black background.  If you change the background color, you may want to change the edge-matching color as well. 

Use View menu > Adjust edge match fuzziness > Edge Sensitivity Adjuster dialog box > Edge match colors > Standard.

To specify the degree of closeness required for a match (how many base pairs difference is still considered a match):

  • Choose View menu > Adjust edge match fuzziness.
  • Slide the slider to the maximum number of base pairs difference that you want to consider a match.

By default, if edge match fuzziness is adjusted, all matching edges are highlighted in gray rather than in white.  This color can also be changed  using View menu > Adjust edge match fuzziness > Edge Sensitivity Adjuster dialog box > Edge match colors > Fuzzy matching.