Page tree

Versions Compared


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1. Go to and click Downloads.

2. Click the IGB image to download Download and launch IGB.


If your computer has enough memory, we recommend




2 or 5 GB




IGB Download - Small, medium, and large memory options


Step 2: Choose species and genome version

Click a start screen shortcut image (red box).


Choose species Species and genome version Genome Version using the Current Genome tab (blue box).

  • If your genome of interest is not listed, don't choose anything and skip to Step 43.

IGB start screen


Most species will automatically load the reference annotations

IGB after selecting the human genomeAfter IGB automatically loaded H. sapiens

Step 3.


Choose data sets



When you select a file, IGB adds a new empty track to the main view and lists it in the Data Management table. However, many data files and data sets (such as BAM files) contain too much data to display all at once. You will control how much data are loaded into memory.

Available Data folders

Open a folder under the Available Data file tree (red box) by clicking on it.


  • checking the box (red arrow)
  • click-dragging the data set into the Data Management table


  • the


  • Data Management table


Image Removed

Click Load Data button to view data

  • Zoom or scroll to a region of interest (See Step 5) then
  • Click Load Data (green arrow, box in above image) to load data into the IGB main view.


Image Added

Local files

To view data from local or remote files

  • Use File > Open... or File > Open URL... to select a file or enter a URL
  • Click-drag the file or Web link into the IGB main viewer

To load data into the main view, click Load Data.


Many data files and data sets (such as BAM files) contain too much data to display all at once. For this reason, IGB gives you total control over when and how data are loaded. To load and view data, zoom in on a region and click the Load Data button. Regions where data have not yet been loaded have slightly darker backgrounds.


Reference sequence (optional)

If you have a reference sequence file (in the fasta, 2bit, bnib, etc.) that you would like to use as the reference sequence, use the or bnib format, File > Open Reference Sequence... option. After selecting the file, click the Load Data button to load sequence. The sequence data will appear below will put the sequence in the Coordinate Axis in the center of the display (after Load Data button is used).



If you're working with large files such as .bam, .sam, .wig, .bedGraph, you should 'zoom in' to a smaller area before loading your data.

4: Click Load Data button

  • Zoom to a smaller region (See Step 5) if large data sets are selected
  • Click Load Data (green arrow, box in above image).

This will load and draw the data and sequences that you have selected in the Main View.

Step 5: Zoom in

To zoom in on a region of interest:

  • Use the zoom slider. Click in the main window for focus zooming (zoom stripe) and then drag the slider to the right (purple box/arrow).
  • Search for a gene. Click the Advanced Search tab and enter the name of a gene. Double-click rows in the results list to jump to a feature (red box/arrow).
  • Double click a feature. (orange box/arrow).
  • Enter coordinates in the range box. Then hit enter (green box/arrow)
  • Click-drag within the coordinate axis. (blue box/arrow).
  • Use keyboard shortcuts. Use control+mouse wheel (Windows) or command+mouse wheel (Mac) to zoom in on the zoom stripe location (yellow box/arrow).


Step 6: Configure tracks

You can customize track color, strand indicators, track names, track label color and font, track height, annotation stack height, and much more.

To change track appearance


Select the Annotations tab, which allows you to change style, size of the tracks, amount of data shown within the track, as well as offers various functions that can be performed on the track.

See also: