Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Select Multiply, enter 2, and hit Go.
  • Select Sqrt, hit Go
  • Select Power, enter 2, and hit Go.
  • Select Power, enter 3, and hit Go.
  • Use the Select All button (upper left of Graph panel) to select all of these tracks.  Select StairStep. Adjust the width of the label box so you can see the full label for each track.
  • Compare your window to the image below

Image Added

  • Observe that:
    •  All of the tracks have appropriate names, which include the function, any values you added, and the name of the original track
    •  All of the graphs are shaped like the they are in the image.
  • Go to the Selection Information panel.
    •  In the original track, the y coord value should be 16; make sure you are in the right region.
  • Click the same area in each of the tracks that you created and verify that their values are as follows:
    •  Multiply by 2: 32
    •  Sqrt: 4
    •  Power 2:  256
    •  Power 3: 4,096




  •  add 
  •  copy 
  •  multiply 
  •  testers choice #1 (choose any of the other available functions to test) 
